Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Healthy Child Makes A Happy Home

Children are the real wealth of a family. And a healthy child is like a Kohinoor, whom everybody loves. My now 5.5 year old son is very hyperactive. He never sits in one place; he is always bubbling with energy and literally with his effervescent energy “brings the house down”. However there are days when he falls sick and those are the days when the whole house gets surrounded by an eerie silence. Everybody including the maids go into depression when my son falls sick. When he was small, sickness was accompanied by never ending crying but now he becomes quiet. Whenever the “jumping jack” of the house falls sick, the whole house falls quiet.

Each child suffers from different maladies at different stages of growth. My son suffered from colic pain during infancy as he was a bottle-fed child. Colic pain was usually followed by problem of gas and stomach upset. Ever since he started eating solid foods the ailments changed. After two years of age his throat became his “Achilles heels”. Every other day he started suffering from throat infection followed by fever.

Ever since he started going to school he started getting seasonal viral fever which were accompanied by body ache, headache, sore throat and loss of appetite. I was losing my health and hair over his infections. He often used to miss school and I prohibited him from eating cold drinks, ice creams, fried packed snacks, chocolates and even sweets. My son was not allowed to enjoy all the childhood obsessions that most children enjoy. I used to feel terrible taking him to other kid’s birthday parties as there my son used to pester for all those goodies that he was prohibited to eat. I felt miserable not to allow him all these but at the same time I had little choice.

I took him to the allopathic paediatrician for every small or big illness. She was unhesitant about prescribing antibiotics. Almost every alternate month my child was taking antibiotics which were further destroying his self immunity. It was like a vicious cycle. Tired of this I started homeopathy. Homeopathy helped him marginally or maybe it was my way of self consolation. I was following every home remedy that was suggested to me by my mother, mother-in-law, aunts, grandmothers, neighbours, maids, mom-in-law of neighbours, aunts of aunts, colleague’s maids, internet, strangers, perhaps every possible human being on this earth with a home remedy. Nevertheless nothing seemed to work.

Finally one day my co-sister suggested that why don’t I try chawanprash. She used to give her children chawanprash daily and she claimed that thankfully her children have very good immunity. As I had tried everything there was no harm in trying. The very next day I went and bought a jar of Dabur Chawanprash and started giving it to my son. Within a month I saw the results. He went to a birthday party and had ice cream but did not get a sore throat the next morning. I knew that Dabur Chawanprash has started its work. Ever since I started chawanprash his health improved substantially an I am really thankful as my visit to the doctor has reduced.

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